Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 9

Screw Installation (Locking Devices)

The screw installation exercise put to test student's ability to drill holes accurately and most importantly read the part number and install the correct screws into the right slot.
The key learning point of the project allows students to apply what they have learnt and additionally teaches students how to install Hi-Loks and how to do Wire locking.

The Hi-Loks provided by LTT are the real Hi-Loks that are installed in the aircraft. Hence students are required to install them with care and try not to make errors.

Again, we apply what we have learnt and mark out all the hole as accurately as possible to facilitate the drilling process! =)

To ensure that the errors are minimised, we work in pairs! Although using the machine drill may seem like an easy task, accidents can happen!

2 of our classmates shocked the whole class when the vice of the drilling machine dropped down halfway! If not for the vibration proof rubber near the base, there would be a hole in LTT =)

Doing the rivets manually cause they are too small for the riveting gun! We are slowly recapping what we're learnt!

Installation of Helicoils! This process has to be done with care cause if the helicoil jumps a thread inside, its hard to save it! Helicoils are expensive too! ^^

Installation of Hi-Loks! We worked in pairs again cause Hi-Loks are expensive so we cannot afford to make any mistakes!

Shhhh.... 101% concentration given there.. =p

Eileen doing wire locking!

Well.. we have a video showing how Wire locking is done! Wire locking is not an easy task and I must say there are lots of skill involved!

Eileen demostrating to us how wire locking is done! =)

Woo hoo! What a sense of achievement felt throughout the whole class after 5 days of hardwork! All the bolt and nuts fit nicely! =)

Thanks to the guidance by Mr Zahir and some of our classmates, everyone's screw installation exercise looks real nice! It's not about an individual, it's about the whole class! =)


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