Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2

During the week 2 of the LTT training, we have done a couple of projects.

Riveting Layout
First up is the Riveting Layout assignment. Remember the Scribe and Punch exercise I mentioned in the first week? We did something similar to it except that we drill holes on those markings!
The objective of this exercise is to help us learn the techniques of drilling a hole using a hand drill.
We had to use this on the vice clamp as the material is aluminium and it is soft. Not using that magnetic clamp to support will damage the workpiece when clamped onto the vice.

We pre drilled the first piece with a 2.5 mm drill bit and we later clamped the 2nd workpiece underneath the first!

Toggle clamps were used to clamp more than 1 workpiece together tightly!

Files were still widely used to file the workpiece to size and squaring of sides!

Handrill and the drill bits were the main tools in this exercise!
It is important to keep the drill perpendicular to the workpiece while drilling to ensure that the hole drilled is straight!

After the markings were done. We are all good to go!

After the holes were drilled, we are still missing something!

It is important to remove all burs after drilling! Excess burrs can be dangerous as they are sharp and can cause injuries easily!

This is the final product!

Sawing Exercise
Next up will be the sawing exercise which is a 1 day exercise!

In this sawing exercise, we will be introduced to the techniques of cutting material using a hacksaw! The hacksaw is an easy tool to use if the proper techniques are used. The saw only cuts in the forward or backward stroke depending on the teeth on the saw. So strength is only to be applied on either stroke depending if the saw is forward cut or vice versa.

The tool that does it all! Hacksaw!

We were given a steel workpiece which we must do markings and dot punch before sawing. The reason we dot punch the workpiece is to remind us that we are sawing close to the line in order to maintain the correct measurements.

We start from scratch from a steel workpiece.

After all the markings were done...

We are to saw 4 shapes out of the workpiece!

And filing them to the dimensions required!

Chisel Exercise
The last exercise done in week 2 is chiseling. It is a simple exercise while let have a feel of the chisel tool. The chisel tool is accompanied by a hammer. It is another way to cutting material but usually used on soft materials like aluminium.

The chisel is the one on the extereme right!

Is usually accompanied by a hammer to get the job done!

A nice spiral shape appearing if the chisel is done at constant speed!

The final product!!!

Well.. Here comes the fun part once again! What we actually do in the workshop!

We are good students! We listen to Mr Zahir during briefing so we are always clear of what to do!

It is important to ensure that the workpiece is square and flat at all times!

Deburring is no easy task man!!!

100% concentration given during training at all times!!!

NO HORSEPLAYING IN THE WORKSHOP! Don't worry! We are just posing for a picture. ^^


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